Production of machine tools

Hydroelectric power stations


Hydro unit model GA130.U
Hydro unit model GA130.U
Analog G4617, U2706.082


Hydro unit model GA140.U
Hydraulic unit model GA140.U
Analog U2706.102


Hydraulic unit model GA160.U
Hydraulic unit model GA160.U
Analog G4436 isp. II, isp III


Hydrounit model GA180.U
Hydraulic unit models GA180.U
Analog G4436 isp I, isp IV

MaslostanciaHydro aggregates of the GA line - designed for individual drives of presses with two piston hydraulic cylinders, used for pressing products made of plastics, rubber and other materials I prefer 160, 250, 320, 400 and 630 tons, as well as other presses, which produce pressing products from materials, the pressing technology of which is similar to the pressing technology of plastic products, where the following positions of the work cycle are required:

• Bystroe movement of the slider down

• Slow movement of the slide of the press down and pressing to the pressure, using a pressure relay or other apparatus, predusmotrennym in the scheme of the press.

• Raise the slider to a small size for gas release from the press-form (podpressovka).

Datčiki gidrostancii• Pressing up to the maximum pressure of 320kgs/cm2, holding it under this pressure with the electric motor turned off during this time.

• Замедленный ход вверх.

• Bystryj hod slid up and stayed in the extreme upper position.

• Подъем выталкивателя и опускание его в исходное положение.

• General stop.