Production of machine tools

Forging hammers, blacksmith hammers


Open forge GK-923МП
Open forge GK-923MP
Forge hearth dimensions in plan: 1500x1300 mm.


Forging hammer MA4127
Forging hammer MA4127
Nominal weight of falling parts, 50 kg


Forging hammer MA4129
Forging hammer MA4129
Nominal weight of falling parts, 80 kg


Forging hammer MA4132
Forging hammer MA4132
Nominal weight of falling parts, 160 kg


Forging hammer MA4134
Forging hammer MA4134
Nominal weight of falling parts, 250 kg


Forging hammer MA4136
Forging hammer MA4136
Nominal weight of falling parts, kg 400


Forging hammer MA4139
Forging hammer MA4139
Nominal weight of falling parts, kg 750

Forging hammer frame and anvilForging equipment is equipment whose area of ​​application is forging and stamping production. Any enterprise that needs to process metal by hot forging uses forging hammers.

The principle of operation of a forging hammer is to convert the mechanical energy of the feed parts into impact mass.

The main parameter of forging hammers is the mass of falling parts (MPF).

The forging hammer model MA4127A MPF 60 kg, an ideal hammer for decorative, artistic crafts, combines versatility, compactness, high impact frequency, light weight and low cost. The MA4127A forging hammer is an ideal hammer for small forging workshops.

Hammer V-belt transmissionThe MA4129A MP4 80 kg hammer is designed for hot volume stamping of forgings, drawing, upsetting, piercing holes, hot cutting of metal by the method of free forging on flat shaped dies. The MA4129A hammer is powerful, reliable and easy to operate, does not require a special foundation, since the hammer anvil is mounted directly on the hammer frame. Excellent controllability and ease of maintenance, the ability to produce blows accurately and with varying force, allows us to consider the hammer model MA4129A the most popular and versatile hammer from the line of hammers manufactured by our plant.

Forging hammers models MA4132A, MA4134A, MA4136A and the most powerful MA4139A, are general industrial hammers, have powerful energy properties, require special foundations and belong to the group of complex equipment that requires specially trained specialists for operation. Forging hammers of these models are not recommended for stamping in prohibited dies, since hard and eccentric blows during stamping lead to breakage of the ram, axle box or hammer frame. The optimal choice of the forging hammer model is the task of technical specialists of the plant in close cooperation with the buyer.